Queens Folly Corridor Traffic Study Report
Palmetto Dunes POA Owners,
As many of you know, the PDPOA Board of Directors approved the completion of a traffic study of the Queens Folly corridor in 2024. Subsequently, Stantec Consulting Services was commissioned to produce the study. The study has been received and the Board has provided the full report to the members of Palmetto Dunes POA.
Why was a study done and what are the purposes? A traffic study is conducted in a community to analyze and understand traffic patterns, assess transportation-related issues, and support informed decision-making for various purposes and potential projects. Traffic studies are essential for creating safer, more efficient, and sustainable community travel systems that meet the needs of both current and future residents.
Some of the key reasons for conducting this traffic study include:
- Safety Analysis:
- Identify accident-prone areas and assess factors contributing to collisions.
- Recommend measures such as better signage, road markings, traffic calming devices, or improved lighting to enhance safety.
- Infrastructure Planning:
- Evaluate the current capacity of roads, intersections, and parking facilities.
- Plan upgrades or expansions to accommodate future growth and prevent congestion.
- Traffic Flow Optimization:
- Analyze traffic volumes, speed patterns, and bottlenecks.
- Design solutions like optimized traffic signal timings, roundabouts, or additional lanes to improve traffic flow.
- Community Concerns:
- Address resident complaints about speeding, noise, or high traffic volumes.
- Explore solutions such as speed humps, restricted routes, or pedestrian-friendly measures.
- Environmental and Quality of Life Considerations:
- Examine the environmental impact of traffic and noise pollution.
- Support planning for alternative transportation modes like public transit, bike lanes, or pedestrian pathways.
- Community Policy Support:
- Provide data to justify policies like reducing speed limits, enforcing zoning regulations, or implementing toll roads.
The Board has been reviewing the report and will discuss the consultants’ findings and recommendations.
Queens Folly Corridor Traffic Study-Full Report
Thank you for being the best part of Palmetto Dunes POA!