If you have received a state citation, please follow the directions on the state citation.
If you have received a private citation, you may make your payment online, by mail, or submit an appeal.
The Private Citation Hearing Board is comprised of volunteer homeowners. Hearings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. An offender may appeal a citation within 15 days of receipt. To request a hearing, you may complete the PDPOA Hearing Request Form detailing the citation number and nature of the appeal. If you are unable to attend the hearing in person, your statement will serve as your representation. Please note that the officer who issued the citation may be present at the hearing.
- An offender has 15 days to appeal or pay the fine.
- If the appeal is denied, the fine is due and payable immediately.
- For non-appeal and non-payment within 15 days, a follow-up delinquent letter will be sent to the offender. (If offender is a renter, guest, contractors, or vendor, a letter will also be sent to the owner of the associated property.)
- If a response to the letter/payment are not received within 30 days, the fine will be added to the property owner’s account.
- Standard collection procedures will then be followed.