Please provide your feedback: ARB Design & Construction Guideline Revisions

Beginning in 2020, the ARB embarked on a comprehensive review and rewrite of the existing ARB Policies, Procedures & Guidelines.  This resulted in the ARB Design & Construction Guidelines (D&CGs) being adopted effective January 1, 2022.  After being in place for one year, the ARB, based on feedback and insights gained, made subsequent revisions that went into effect January 1, 2023.

The ARB continues to look for opportunities to improve the Guidelines.  After another year of operating under these D&CGs, the ARB is recommending further refinements and revisions, all aimed at providing further clarity in certain sections.  At the March Board meeting, the board endorsed presenting the proposed amendments to the community for feedback.

The proposed amendments include:

  • Added language in the “Exterior Lighting” section for the Town of HHI Sea Turtle Protection Ordinance with regards to exterior light fixtures that are visible from the beach.
  • Provided more details regarding “Two Habitable Stories” and what defines “habitable”.
  • Added in the “Color Sections” language regarding the use of duplicate colors on homes that are close in proximity. The verbiage has always been incorporated in the paint application but was never documented in the Guidelines.
  • Provided more details regarding demolition, specifically with regards to the removal of the habitable floors of the home.

In addition to the revisions within the Guidelines, the following amendments are proposed to the Appendix sections:

  • Updated the Tree Equivalency Table to show that Sabal Palms are now considered a Category III tree as opposed to a Category IV tree, per the Town’s definition.
  • Updated the Fee Schedule to itemize the various steps, approvals, and procedures included with each application fee that is $300 or greater.
  • Updated the Schedule of Penalties with regards to Violation 06-09: Failure to Construct the Project in Accordance with Approved Plans.

All corresponding application/documentation will be revised accordingly to reflect the above revisions.

Please review the revised guidelines and submit your feedback.