North Gate Barrier Gate Arm Update

The automated gate arm on the outbound lane at the North Gate will be activated March 1 on a 90-day trial basis. The gate arm will only be active during the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., daily. The barrier gate arm will remain in the “up position” during daytime hours. Notice will be sent out before activating the gate arm.

Once activated, please reduce your speed and be prepared to stop as you approach the gate arm during the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., daily. Once you have entered the detection zone, the gate arm will automatically open. Please do not attempt to tailgate other vehicles. To further assist motorists, the gate arm is equipped with a red and green light to indicate when you should stop and go.

After the initial 90-days, the Association will review the effectiveness of the exit gate arm to determine if it is in the most beneficial location, or if the exit arm should be repurposed for better use in another part of the community.

The expense for the exit arm was approved in the 2023 Capital Expenditure budget that went through the required PDPOA budgeting process.

The goal of the barrier gate arm is to:

  • Reduce the speed of vehicles as they exit the North Gate.
  • Capture better video of motorists as they pass through the gate, and
  • Potentially serve as a deterrent to persons who may commit crimes.

If you have any questions, please email Chief Jim Griner at