Mooring Buoy Redevelopment Update

The scope of work for the Mooring Buoy project includes the replacement of Broad Creek PSD’s water main. We typically coordinate infrastructure upgrades with the utility. Given the extensive construction and disruption, it’s logical for the utility to upgrade their aging infrastructure while the Association is simultaneously replacing the stormwater infrastructure and rebuilding the roadway.

As we continue to navigate through this project, Broad Creek PSD and JS Construction have encountered some challenges, particularly with the logistics of the water main upgrade. These delays are preventing other work from being completed, which is ultimately impacting the project timeline.

The following is an updated project timeline.

  1. Watermain Work: We anticipate that the water main work will be finalized by the first week of April. This milestone is crucial as the completion of the remaining stormwater infrastructure tie-ins/installations and concrete pathways is contingent upon it.
  2. Remaining Concrete Bike Paths: Following the water main completion, we will move forward on completing the remaining pathway sections by the end of the following week.
  3. Asphalt Surfacing: The final component of construction involves asphalt surfacing, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of the third week of April.

The final phase of the project includes construction punch list items, landscaping, and property owner mitigation. The team is committed to executing these tasks as quickly as possible, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.