2021 Annual Election of Directors Administrative and Procedural Rules Pursuant the Association’s Bylaws amended October 17, 2020, the Board of Directors has adopted these administrative and procedural rules for the election of Directors for the 2021 Annual Election.
- The Notice of Election is to be mailed to the Members via United States Mail with proper postage affixed on or before August 23, 2021. The Notice of Election shall additionally be published in the Association’s Newsletter for the September 1, 2021 edition. The Notice of Election shall comply with the provision of Article III, Section 2 of the Bylaws.
- For the 2021 election year, members may cast their vote either (i) electronically, through a web portal designated by the Association for that purpose; or (ii) by paper ballot. The Notice of Election shall contain both: (i) a paper ballot and a self-addressed envelope for the return thereof; and (ii) instructions for accessing an electronic ballot.
- Members entitled to notice and eligible to vote shall be determined using the membership registry as of thirty (30) days prior to the date of mailing of the Notice of Election.
- The commencement date for this year’s election shall be September 1, 2021.
- Voting shall remain open for 30 dates, therefore voting will be closed on October 1, 2021.
- The paper ballot and the electronic ballot shall list the names of all nominated candidates and indicate how each candidate was nominated.
- Any vote cast after October 1, 2021 shall be disqualified. Paper Ballots returned to the address shown on the self-addressed envelope delivered with the Notice of Election which bear a US Postmark dated on or before October 1, 2021 and received on or before October 4, 2021 shall be counted. All other paper Ballots returned shall be disqualified.
- Once cast, a Member’s vote may not be changed or withdrawn.
- Cumulative voting shall not be permitted. Members shall not cast more than one (1) vote for each Board vacancy to be filled.
- The candidates receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be elected to fill the positions.
- In the event of a tie, a run-off to decide the tie vote shall be conducted at the Annual Meeting on October 16, 2021, by a ballot vote of the Members present in person or by proxy.
- In the event more than three (3) candidates seek election, the Board of Directors shall appoint the Association’s attorney to audit the election process and voting, and certify the election results to the Association. The election facilitator retained by the Association shall provide to the Association’s attorney the results of the election together with such information as the Association’s attorney shall deem necessary and appropriate to determine the prevailing Directors.
- Following certification of the election results, the Association shall notify each candidate of the election results.