Security Promotions
On February 9, 2023, Palmetto Dunes held a luncheon to recognize five security officers for being appointed/promoted. The promotion process included a written test, a written management assessment, and an interview. Listed below are the officers who were appointed/promoted:
Rick Miller was appointed to the rank of Captain and serves as the Administrative Services Manager. In this position, he will be managing the pass office and gate operations.
Chris Outlaw was appointed to the rank of Lieutenant and serves as the Duty Officer for the Bravo and Delta shifts.
Kelvin Simmons and Tevin Greene were promoted to the rank of Sergeant and Veejay Davis was promoted to the rank of Corporal.
All these officers are well deserving of these advancements and will serve the leadership team and community with honor. As you see these officers, please congratulate them on their accomplishments.

From left to right: Sergeant Kelvin Simmons, Lieutenant Chris Outlaw, Captain Rick Miller, Corporal Veejay Davis, and Sergeant Tevin Greene.