Compliance Corner: Wetland Buffer

Did you know there is a twenty (20) foot vegetative buffer on every waterfront property in Palmetto Dunes? This buffer protects our lagoon system by filtering fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants before entering the water.

Removal of any tree/shrub/vegetation from the buffer requires Town approval prior to being approved by the Palmetto Dunes ARB, and may require mitigation.

The following activities are prohibited in the wetland buffer without prior Town and ARB approval:

  • Removal, excavation, or disturbance of the soil;
  • Dumping or filling with any materials;
  • Placement or replacement of any sod;
  • Placement of any garden of any type (e.g., vegetable, fruit, ornamental);
  • Placement of structures or other pervious or impervious surfaces (except pervious pedestrian walkways with Town and ARB approval); and
  • Removal or destruction of trees, plants or grasses.

If you have any compliance questions, please contact Kenya Carswell at [email protected].