Board Adopts Community Engagement Framework & Conflict of Interest-Standard of Conduct Policy

At last week’s board meeting, the board discussed and adopted the Community Engagement Framework and approved a Conflict of Interest – Standard of Conduct policy.

The Community Engagement Framework was developed to clearly define situations where the board acts independently to fulfill its responsibility, and situations whereby the board reaches out to the community for feedback or community vote. First presented over a year ago, the board has had several discussions over the past year on adopting such a framework. It will set clear expectations for the community on when owner input will be solicited and enable owners to share their feedback on topics critical to the community. It will also assist the board in their decision-making process by having a more complete view of the owners’ perspectives. This framework can be enhanced to address additional topics, conditions, or situations as they may arise.

Click here for Community Engagement Framework.

At this year’s Annual Meeting, the Association approved a bylaw amendment to provide a remedy to terminate a board member who does not meet certain attendance requirements and/or violates a Conflict of Interest- Standard of Conduct policy. This amendment also permitted the board to adopt a Conflict of Interest-Standard of Conduct policy which could be amended from time to time with at least two-thirds (2/3) board approval. The policy outlines Duties of Loyalty, Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest. It also requires board members to be in good standing with the Association and meet minimum attendance requirements. The board approved a Conflict of Interest-Standard of Conduct Policy at the November Board meeting. This document will be executed by board members and committee members on an annual basis.

Click here for the Conflict of Interest-Standard of Conduct Policy.