ARB Compliance Deposits

The ARB still has many compliance deposits for projects that have not requested a final inspection. If you have completed a project but have not requested a final inspection, please contact the ARB to request your inspection so we can return your compliance deposit. It is the responsibility of the homeowner (or the vendor representing the homeowner) to request the final inspection as the ARB does not know when a project is completed.

If there were contingency items noted to bring the property into ARB compliance, those items must be addressed prior to requesting the final inspection. If your project hasn’t been completed yet and your permit has already expired, you must request a permit extension. Once a final inspection is requested, the ARB will schedule the inspection within 3 business days. After a successful final inspection is completed, the request for the return of your compliance deposit will be submitted to our accounting department.

Per the Compliance Deposit Agreement Form, request for final inspection must be made within 30 days of completion of the project. If an inspection has not been requested after 60 days, compliance deposits will be non-refundable and retained by the ARB.

Monica Stites, Community Standards Manager, can be contacted at