ABDI Gate Access Mobile App
We would like to remind all owners about the ABDI Gate Access mobile application available for both iPhone and Android users. This convenient tool allows you to input visitor passes, view and edit your guest list, and provide your guests with a QR code to present to the Pass Office to obtain a pass.
Please be mindful that, at this time, only visitor passes can be processed through the mobile app, not rental or commercial ones. Both visitor and rental passes can also be entered via our website at www.gateaccess.net, which offers additional features for account management.
Your login information for both the mobile app and the website are identical: the community code is “PDPOA,” the username is your primary phone number, and the password is your personal identification number (PIN). If you need help with using the mobile app or the website, instructions are attached. For further assistance or with any questions, please visit the Pass Office or give us a call at 843-785-1125.