Passed Bylaw Amendments

The purpose of the bylaw amendment(s) is to allow the Board flexibility in defining and hiring for the administrative leadership role for the Association. The board felt it was important to add the Hearing Board as a standing committee and clarify that the board can establish committees or ad hoc advisory groups. Click here for a redline of the bylaw amendments.

Bylaws Amended:
Article III, Section 11.
Article V, Section 1.a.
Article V, Section 1.e.
Article V, Section 2.
Article VII, Section 1.a.
Article IX, Section 1. 2. and 3.


Bylaw Amendment Purposes

Article III, Section 11.
The title of the position employed by the board has varied in the required by membership approved bylaws. This amendment will allow the current and future boards flexibility to title the position leading the organization from among three titles as the Board at the time deems it necessary to reflect the job responsibilities.

Article V, Section 1.a.
This amendment removes the language concerning setting a portion of the Chief Executive Officer’s compensation that is in the current CEO employment contract as it will no longer be necessary after expiration of the contract on Dec. 31, 2024. It makes other conforming edits.

Article V, Section 1.e.
The covenant amendments of 2004 established the Hearing Board, but it has not been mentioned in the bylaws. Recognition of the Hearing Board as a committee in the by-laws recognizes the board as a standing committee.
Article V, Section 2.
The language of the current bylaws allows the Board of Directors to establish ad hoc advisory groups. The proposed bylaw amendment clarifies the Board of Directors may establish and call these groups or committees.

Article VII, Section 1.a.
Adds “agents” to the list of those the Board may approve as authorized signatories on accounts to allow the Board the flexibility to address contingencies to carry in the required business of the association.

Article IX, Section 1. 2. and 3.
The title of the position employed by the board has varied in the past as required by membership approved bylaws. This amendment retitles the section “Management”, to reflect the function addressed rather than a position title. This amendment will allow the current and future boards flexibility to title the position leading the organization from among three titles as the Board at the time deems it necessary to reflect the job responsibilities in addition, it removes the individual hired by the association as the General Manager/ Chief Operating Officer/Chief Executive Officer as a non-voting ex officio member of the board and allows that individual to be excused by the chairperson from the required attendance at a board meeting, as necessary. It also includes the word “specifically” to the language concerning approval of agreements by the board.

Click here for a redline of the bylaw amendments.