PDPOA Security Officers are licensed by the State of South Carolina to provide premise security services. These officers are registered with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and have full powers of arrest. Our patrol officers have been trained in South Carolina law and legal procedures. The Palmetto Dunes Security Department completes the same incident and traffic accident reports, and also issues the same traffic tickets as the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department still maintains primary criminal jurisdiction over all of Palmetto Dunes and, as such, may assume control of any case or situation at any time it deems necessary.
We are passionately committed to working with our community members and offering unique services that are tailored to a diverse population. We practice modern police practices yet are always researching and implementing new initiatives and technology to keep our department in optimal condition to prevent crime and provide a safe community for everyone.
We deploy our officers in numerous ways and utilize a fleet of marked vehicles and bicycles to provide patrol services. We also deploy our officers on foot patrol and utilize an eco friendly T3 ESV (Electric Standup Vehicle) in congested areas where other traditional forms of patrol is not suitable. At designated locations throughout our property, vehicle access check points are controlled by officers to prevent unlawful entry into Palmetto Dunes. These drive-up locations are state-of-the-art facilities that also serve as sub-stations for our patrol officers. They are also equipped to handle pass office personnel should the need arise.
We take great pride in having a sophisticated team that relentlessly challenges all obstacles in an effort to exceed the expectations of the community that we serve. Our department consists of a diverse group of men and women who are talented, courteous and caring. We promote a team effort in our daily services so that all avenues are exhausted and the best possible services are provided in a timely, professional and results driven environment.
The Pass Office is located at our headquarters and is staffed by civilian employees who manage all aspects of entrance onto our property. They issue decals for Palmetto Dunes and Shelter Cove homeowners and commercial vendors, and passes for guests.
The Patrol Operations Division is staffed by officers 24 hours per day/7 days per week. Patrol officers protect homeowners and guests. Certified by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), they are authorized with arrest powers. They respond to calls for service, prepare accident and incident reports, issue citations, testify in court, operate speed detection devices, direct traffic and perform other services to provide a safe environment.
The Gate Operations Division is staffed by officers 24 hours per day/7 days per week. There are four gate houses within Palmetto Dunes that also serve as sub-stations for patrol officers. The gate houses are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to monitor and record all vehicles accessing these locations. Gate officers are SLED-certified and authorized to arrest.
The Community Affairs Division was implemented in 2011 to provide another avenue for exceptional customer service. The Community Affairs Division works directly with homeowners, guests, visitors, commercial vendors, rental agencies and others to proactively ensure compliance with rules, regulations and state and federal laws. The Community Affairs Division promotes a community policing philosophy and encourages everyone to participate in security within Palmetto Dunes.
The Security Department also provides the following services:
If you will be away from your home and would like our security staff to check your residence regularly, please log into www.gateaccess.net and complete the House Check tab. This service is free and includes: check of the residence exterior, daily drive-by checks, and a report of any discrepancies.
Security Officers will respond to the following alarms: Fire, Burglar, Panic, and Medical alarms that are activated within the resort.
We respond to all criminal and non-criminal calls for service. For emergencies, call 911 immediately, all non-emergency calls should be directed to the Palmetto Dunes Security Office at 843-785-1120.
Security Officers actively patrol Palmetto Dunes Property on a 24-hour basis. Patrol Officers are vigilant for suspicious and criminal activity, traffic or parking violations and opportunities to assist property owners and guests of the resort. Traffic violations are issued a South Carolina Uniform Traffic Ticket. These are the same tickets issued by the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Deputies or the South Carolina Highway Patrol. These tickets carry the same fines and penalties.
The security gates are staffed by qualified officers 24-hours per day. The officers check each vehicle for a Palmetto Dunes pass or decal to ensure that only authorized vehicles are allowed in the resort at all times.
If a family member is concerned about the well-being of an owner, a security officer will visit the residence at your request and check on the owner.