The Association is governed by a ten-member Board of Directors, including one management member from Greenwood Communities & Resorts. Directors are elected at each Annual Meeting and serve a three-year term.
Per the Bylaws, the Association has the following standing committees: Executive, Nominating, and Finance. The Board may establish ad hoc committees from time-to-time as it deems necessary. Click here for all Committee Charters.
Executive Committee
- Makes decisions on urgent matters that arise between Board meetings.
View Members
- Kurt Faires
- Barbara McFadden
- Bob Talbot
Architectural Review Board
- Exercises their duties set forth in the Limited Residential and Multifamily Covenants, as well as the ARB’s D&CGs
- Responsible for review and approval of all new construction, additions, and major and minor renovations
- Ensures that projects are in keeping with the Palmetto Dunes vision and built in compliance to approved plans
- Completes a pre and final inspection of job sites and approves or disapproves projects
- Makes reports of its activities to the PDPOA Board of Directors
View Members
- Dixon Hanna, Chair
- Thomas Belenchia
- Karen Booth
- Ed Finison
- Maureen Glass
- Doug Luba
- Dan Wolf
Building A Strong Engaged Community
The goal of the Building Community Committee will be to implement the recommendations of the Strategic Plan:
- Increase the number of amenities
- Provide additional opportunities for owners to connect
- Develop a social media/communication plan to connect owners with a focus on positive messaging
- Provide education/information to new and current owners on Palmetto Dunes
View Members
- Kelly Schibler, Chair
- Becky Brumley
- Jonathan Olsen
- Dawn Schlich
- Lee Smith
- Debbie Whitehurst
- Christine Rukavina
The purpose of the Infrastructure and Accessibility Committee for Key Focus Area No. 2 of the 2023 Strategic Plan is to evaluate and make recommendations on Infrastructure Enhancements, Accessibility Enhancements and Safety across the Community as identified by the items called out in the PDPOA Strategic Plan and other projects as assigned by the PDPOA Board. Focus Areas are:
- Improve traffic flow and congestion
- Enhance Accessibility
- Enhance Infrastructure Safety and Security
- Improve and expand leisure trails
The committee accomplishes these tasks by gathering input from property owners, recommending usage studies and/or recommending the research of similar issues/solutions in other communities.
View Members
- Steve Laskowski, Chair
- Pattie Courtney
- Scott Imhoff
- Doug Luba
- Phil Ovuka
- Nancy Schroeder
- Responsible for all financial aspects of PDPOA
- Reviews budgets, monitors monthly financial statements, recommends investments
- Identifies, recommends and monitors initiatives that improve the long-term financial health of PDPOA
- Ensures adherence to PDPOA Financial Policies & Procedures
View Members
- Bob Talbot, Chair
- Alice Bettencourt
- Calvin Butts
- Dan Ekberg
- Sean Moore
- Tammy Moore
- Dan Reginold
- Jim Schumacher
- Jean Smith
Lagoon & Lake Advisory Group
- Oversees the use and maintenance of the lagoon system
- Monitors lagoon water quality
- Reports trees that need to be removed or trimmed
- Identifies unsightly or hazardous lagoon issues
View Members
- John Joseph
- Tom Kelly
- Wilbur Strickland
- Mark Carroll
- Doug Luba
- Jim Hutchison
- Sydney Wan, Chairman
- Responsible for interviewing new Board of Director candidates
- Follows nominating guidelines as set forth in the by-laws
- Proposes new candidates to the PDPOA membership and Board of Directors for approval
View Members
- Barbara McFadden, Chair
- David Gorka
- Jean Smith
- James Thomas
- Lee Whitehurst
Private Citation Hearing Board
- Upholds compliance in Palmetto Dunes
- Conducts a monthly hearing meeting
- Determines whether to ratify a decision or a citation and the fine imposed by PDPOA or uphold the appeal based on the circumstances presented
- Renders a decision that is binding on all parties
View Members
- Tom Fromme
- Jacqueline Boyer
- Mary Ellen Prentis
- Robin Rhine
- John Smith
Safety & Security
Advise the Palmetto Dunes Property Owners Association (PDPOA) Board in exercising its oversight and responsibilities regarding safety and security concerns for: Operations and planning, gathering and evaluation of data to support safety and security decisions consistent with the PDPOA goals, objectives, and guidelines. Support and advocate for Security Staff and its enforcement of PDPOA policies and state law.
View Members
- David Morrill, Chair
- Mike Archer
- Bob Beliles
- Mike Carr
- Thomas Lesnak
- Tim McCury
- Dan McMullen
- Larry Minda
- Lee Whitehurst
- Chief James Griner
- Captain Darryl Johnson
Short-Term Rentals Ad-Hoc Committee
The Short-Term Rental Ad-Hoc Committee was reestablished in July 2022 to further discuss moving forward with recommendations by the STR committee in 2021. The committee is made-up of investment owners, part-time residents that rent when they are not on the island, and full-time residents.
View Members
- Robert Lotstein, Chair
- Mary Amonitti
- Paula Eardley
- Greg Eichman
- Bob Gelbach
- Sue Giarrusso
- Doris Hall
- David Hancock
- Brian Julius
- Tom Phelps
- Klaus Schmidt
Strategic Planning Team
Recommend to the PDPOA Board a four to five-year strategic plan guided by the outlined vision, mission and values created by the PDPOA Board of Directors.
View Members
- Becky Brumley – Chair
- Alice Bettencourt
- Jerry Bowling
- Lisa Carpenter
- Terence (TJ) Casey
- Derek Dalton
- Paula Eardley
- Daniel Ekberg
- Scott Imhoff
- Steve Laskowski
- Charles LoPresti
- Kelly Schibler
- Dawn Schlich
Sustainability Committee
The PDPOA Board authorized a Strategic Planning Initiative in the Spring of 2022 for the purpose of developing a five-year Strategic Plan. A Strategic Planning Team (“SPT”) made up of a diverse group of owners participated in a facilitated planning process. The SPT identified 4 areas of focus for the Association for the next five years. Focus area #4: Enhance Stewardship to increase sustainability. The PDPOA Board approved the Strategic Plan and the establishment of an Ad Hoc Sustainability/ Stewardship Committee to move toward achieving this goal at the February 15, 2023 meeting of the PDPOA Board. The Committee will continue for the life of the Strategic Plan or until goals have been met, whichever comes first. The goal of the Sustainability / Stewardship Committee will be to implement the recommendations of the Strategic Plan:
- Trash and Recycling
- Educate owners/visitors about the importance of wildlife in Palmetto Dunes
- Reduce noise level via electronic lawn equipment
View Members
- Jerry Bowling
- TJ Casey
- Paula Eardley
- Ed Garino
- Tom Horne
- Doug Luba
- Beth Van Den Berg
- Lee Whitehurst