Palmetto Dunes Cares is excited to announce a FOOD DRIVE that will benefit the Sandalwood Community Food Pantry located on Hilton Head Island.
Please drop off donations to the Palmetto Dunes Administration Office from March 20-31 during normal business hours. On April 1, additional donations will be accepted in Shelter Cove. Look for the Collins Group Realty Truck that will be parked in front of the King Neptune Statue from 8am-noon.
Sandalwood has requested the following items:
Food (Place in Paper Bag) Toiletries (Place in Plastic Sealed Bag)
Pasta & Sauce Shampoo
Oatmeal & Cereal Conditioner
Rice (white) Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Rice Sides Dental Floss
Pork & Beans Bars of Soap & Body Wash
Mac & Cheese Wash Cloths
Chef Boyardee Products Men’s & Women’s Deodorant
Jelly & Jam Diapers-Sizes 4,5,6 Pull Ups
Pancake Mix & Syrup Baby Wipes
Oil – Vegetable or Canola Adult Diapers
A special thank you to Collins Group Realty for loaning us their truck to deliver the donations to Sandalwood.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!