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October 15, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Annual Meeting

The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Palmetto Dunes Property Owners Association, Inc. will be held on Saturday, October 15 at 9am at the Marriott Resort.

The Election of Directors will be held prior to the Annual Meeting, with the results announced at the Annual Meeting. Ballots will be sent out electronically, so make sure we have an updated email address on file for you. Please email Elizabeth Simpson at [email protected] or call 843-785-1109 to confirm your email address. For owners without email, there will also be a mail-in paper ballot option.

Register to attend in-person: https://fs11.formsite.com/7stDrm/d8owxpndjk/index.html

Register to watch the meeting online via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fcZLJQMBQqOzShnxBnzUkg   You must register by 3pm on Friday, October 14 so we can verify your owner status.