Palmetto Dunes Resort Discount

Palmetto Dunes Resort Food & Beverage operations will continue to extend the 10% off restaurant offer to PD property owners, but they will not be printing and mailing discount cards. They ask that owners present their PDPOA key tag to the restaurant (at time of order) which will be necessary in identifying a valid property owner.

The current discount offer information is as follows:
10% off only applies to food and non-alcoholic beverage purchased at Alexander’s, The Dunes House, Big Jim’s, Fazio & Hills Golf Grills. Must present key card/fob to receive discount. Offer not valid during holidays, special events, promotions or special pricing. Not valid on kids meals. Other restrictions may apply. 1 check per key card/fob. 

Palmetto Dunes property owners can pick up a key tag in the PDPOA Pass Office.