Annual Meeting: October 12

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Palmetto Dunes Property Owners Association, Inc. will be held on Saturday, October 12 at the Omni Resort. Owners can check-in to the meeting and enjoy a continental breakfast buffet while visiting with neighbors from 7:45-9am. The meeting will start promptly at 9am.

This year, the Association has partnered with GetQuorum, a technology platform, to streamline the proxy card solicitation process and enhance remote participation options for members. GetQuorum initiated communication with members via email, inviting them to opt-in for electronic proxy cards and remote meeting attendance.

Please complete your online proxy card, even if you do plan to attend the meeting in-person. Having proxy cards submitted prior to the meeting will help us achieve a quorum to hold the meeting. Proxy cards may be rescinded in-person or online the day of the Annual Meeting.

If none of the property owners listed on your account received an email from GetQuorum or if you need to have the email address updated or resent, please contact Elizabeth Simpson at [email protected].

Please note that we were unaware when scheduling the Annual Meeting that it scheduled on a religious holiday, but the Board felt it was important to stick to the original meeting date. We assure you we will double-check all religious calendars before scheduling meetings in the future. If you cannot attend the meeting due to the religious holiday, please submit any questions to a board member prior to the meeting and they will be included in the member comment section that will be recorded.

RSVP to Annual Meeting